Ask Your Questions About Novel Writing And We Will Try To Answer Them!

(And Invite Others To Submit Their Own Take)

If we could answer all your questions about novel writing - or indeed about book writing - in a few simple articles, we would be overjoyed. However, in our quest to keep things simple enough so our readers don't get overwhelmed we probably create as many novel writing questions as we provide answers.

In addition to writing articles that may or may not address your unique concerns, we would like to hear your specific novel writing questions. That way, we can address the topics you most want to know about.

At the same time, we would like to give author/readers the chance to make their own comments on the questions we receive and the answers we give.

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How to Phrase Your Questions About Novel Writing...

writing questions

Submitting a clear question makes it easier for us to provide a clear answer. While we try to answer as many questions as we can, it helps if your question is...

  1. Specific. Questions like "How do I write my novel?" are too general for us to answer succinctly.
  2. Actually a question. A statement like, "My character is complex," doesn't give us anything to respond to.

With these provisos in mind, feel free to ask your question below...

Have A Question About Novel Writing?

Submit a question about novel writing, dramatica, story structure, etc. and if we feel we can provide an answer that will benefit other visitors and that the question has not already been addressed at length in the articles on this site, we will post it. (We also invite you to comment on questions others have submitted. But please, don't post unrelated links.)

Other People's Novel Writing Questions

Click below to see questions other visitors submitted to this page...

Writing thoughts and diary entries. 
Question: This is my first time trying to write, I constantly imagine fictional scenarios, so I decided to write a novel with them, but in my idea, we …

Synopsis Format 
Question: Hello! Thank you for answering my question about how many characters to add in a synopsis! I should have included this question with my last …

How many characters to include in a synopsis 
Question: Hello! I'm new to your site, and I love it! I didn't see a question and answer page for synopsis writing, so I wasn't sure where to post this …

Trauma And Superpowers: How Do They Connect? 
Question: I'm currently writing a story where MC1 can control darkness, MC2 can control plants, and MC3 can control machines. I want them to experience …

Using the actual names of people and places in memoir... 
Question: I am writing a memoir of my years as a teacher. If I want to use real names, what is the protocol/requirement for getting permission? (Changing …

Novel Writing Advice, Self-Publishing Advice, Publishing novels as a teenager 
Hi! Thanks for reading! Here are my questions! 1. How do I choose a title for my novels / books? 2. How do I check my grammar if I self-publish …

Is there such a thing as a delusional character arc? 
Question: I am writing a fantasy novel. Strangely I am having great success with all my characters EXCEPT my protagonist. In attempt to focus in on and …

Question: I am writing a story from the viewpoints of three different characters, there are going to be a lot of names throughout the story and I'm unsure …

Pacing a storyline 
Question: What are some good strategies for pacing a storyline that covers 2 years? Answer: Not the easiest question to answer, but here are some …

Question: There are many important characters in my novel. That's why I use a third-person omniscient perspective. When I write a book, the events come …

Synopsis of nonlinear narrative 
Question: How to write the synopsis of nonlinear narrative? I also have two protoganists (in love with each other but has different story goal). …

Appearance vs reality 
Question: ...Also my novel has begun to shape up with some heavy appearance vs reality themes where I thought it was going down the loss, redemption …

third person present tense 
Question: ...certain chapters in my novel, the flashbacks are written in present tense (I know I know ) and my question is when writing a sentence in …

Writing two POV in one chapter 
Question: How can I change the third person POV to the first person POV? to let the readers feel the scene? in one chapter? Answer: The short …

I can't connect with my protagonist 
Hello, I've got a great story and plot and I know the type of protagonist I need to write about but I'm struggling to build that deep emotional connect …

Reasons to write 
Question Are there like wrong reasons to write? I love making up stories. I live with characters every day, I daydream all the scenes and emotions. Which …

Plot planning when you are a pantser 
Hi! I would like to know how do I plan the whole book when I don't know what is going to happen. I know the theme, I know what is happening now, …

Stories with no clear end goals. 
Question: My story is set in a world where magic exists and is formally taught at schools. Everyone has mana in them. The story revolves around a commoner …

Subtle action 
Question: How do I take a subtle (and kinda quirky) super power and write in a way that keeps the tension and the book flowing? My characters in the …

How do I Rewrite my Novel? 
Hello! I finished writing my manuscript one year ago. Since then, I have made almost no progress with rewriting it. I don't know how to begin, or where …

Tragi-Comedy 8-Point Plot Outline 
Hi there, I've gone through the 8-point plot outline for my story, which I've decided is a sort of comi-tragedy(the main character achieves the story …

Writing a entire book about a corporation. 
Hello, I want to write a book about the history of youtube that will cover good parts of it and bad. Would I be able to do so or would I run into …

restrictions freedoms or my ignorance? 
Hi Glen, While working on stories using Dramatica here is what I understood. MC is living his throughline with his own share of concerns issues etc, …

Purpose In Flashbacks 
Question: First of all, I'd like to say I'm happy to see you still doing this. I used to ask questions 2-3 yrs ago before losing interest in writing. …

Click here to ask your question.

Multiple POV 
Question: I have a series planned in my head and am planning the story from 3 characters' POV. The problem is I don't want to switch back and forth …

Exclamation points , and methods to convey emotion in the character's voice 
Hello, My question is about conveying to the reader a character's changing emotions through his or her voice in a literal sense. How it raises or lowers …

Question: I'm writing a novel that's Historical Fiction. I'm incorporating 2 of my characters into a disaster that happened in 1940. I'm also including …

Plot problems 
Question: Hello there, I'm 17 years old, and this is my first try to write a story. This is what I've written 'till now, Is it a weak plot? Is the protagonist …

Question: Any advice or tips on how to write about a world where witches exist? Answer: I assume you mean witches with actual magic powers, not …

POV and Tense 
Question: I'm trying to write a story about an adventure that happens to four people. One person is basically the protagonist, and I've been writing …

Internal conflict without external conflict  
I have developed characters, their personalities, motivations, flaws, wants, needs - I know exactly what their internal conflict should be. The problem …

Character names 
Question: I used a name of a character in my book, that happens to be one of my main characters. I searched on the web and found that someone used the …

Hello, I've been writing short stories and exerts for a while now but I keep noticing the same problems in my work. I have an almost over active imagination …

child narrator in adult book? 
Hi Glen, I would kindly like to ask you if it is possible to have a child narrator and main character in adult fiction? I don't want it to become a …

Becoming more confident 
Hi, I'm a little 15 year old and I love writing. I usually write stand-up poetry and I am also good enough at delivering them. But whenever I read other …

Skipping time  
Question: I am writing about a immortal character who lives around 500 years and keeps journals of his life how far can I skip in time through out his …

Dual Biography 
Hello. Has anyone written a dual biography of Charles Dickens and Guiseppe Verdi? Both were born at roughly the same time, both wrote with a profound …

Where to go after starting in on your first couple of books 
Question: I have started roughly fourteen books since I was twelve years old and i have never went to publishers or proofreaders to look at my work because …

Mixing Character Archetypes 
Hello! I'm reading Dramatica and trying to get the hang of characters. Specifically, I'm wondering whether it's possible for the antagonist to also …

Identifying my book as a memoir versus a novel. 
Question: Taken directly from my journals detailing true misadventures involving drug-addicted prostitutes over a two year period, though therefore properly …

Just a Comment and not a question 
I've written a novel (going by notes as far back as High School, over 40 years ago), and have pieced everything together and fleshed it out to my satisfaction. …

What are the limits of using IPs in a novel? 
Question: Ready Player One references tons of intellectual properties, several of which are integral to the plot. Do you know if the publisher had to …

W-plot and signposts clarification needed 
Dear Glen, First and foremost, so many thanks for your tremendous work and enlightening advice about creative writing ! I have a terminology-(and …

What constitutes as a Chapter? 
Question: You mentioned that some scenes will be part of a chapter while other scenes will be a chapter itself. So i want to know what a chapter is. …

Including a subplot in a synopsis 
Question: Your Steps in Writing a Synopsis is very thorough and helpful. One question I have, however, is how or where to include discussion about a …

need help with main character throughline 
Question: I can't seem to come up with the main character throughline for my story that seems right. My story takes place in a world, filled with …

HOW to start a book 
Question: I have this genius idea to write a book about the topic that, in the book, breaks our country and starts the 2nd Civil War: LGBTQ+ Rights. …

Dramatica "this scene represents" Dilemma 
Question: I've decided to write a total of 64 scenes with 64,000 words. This is my benchmark, but I'm willing to let it grow larger or smaller as needed. …

I am stuck in my writing 
Dear Glen, You have helped me before and I hope you can help me again. I am one third through my second novel and feel completely stuck with no idea …

Click here to ask your question.

Group Dynamics 
Hi! I was wondering how I could go about creating interesting relationships between a group of characters. I find that I struggle with giving everyone …

Should I Have a Sequel Trilogy and am I Overplanning? 
Question: I have big ambitions. I'm not yet done my first book, but I know for a fact it will be only the first of a trilogy, and that that trilogy will …

Is this Chapter Important to the Story? (And Another Issue) 
Question: I wrote a chapter in which nothing particularly interesting happens. One of the characters (let's call her Anna) hasn't told the two main characters …

Switching Point of Views 
Question: I'm currently writing a novel, I'm really proud of it. But, I truly feel as though the audience should see the point of view of not only the …

Introducing New Characters: when?  
Question: I have been told that my self-discovery travel romance novel has too many characters the first chapter. The protagonist is alone for the first …


Epic Fantasy Storyform(s) regarding Character Elements 
Question: Hey there! Thanks for all of the wonderful and enlightening information you provide on this site. My question: How do you allocate Character …

Single POV vs multiple POV's 
I've been thinking a lot about how to angle this question. This will be long. Keep in mind that this is just my opinion. It seems like every time someone …

How do you determine what writing projects are worth moving forward with? 
Question: I've been writing down every idea that comes to my head lately. Some ideas are easily eliminated because they've been done similarly before …

Plot Outline to Plot Model 
Question: After I finish the 10 step plot outline, which is step 3 in How to Write a Novel, bottom of page says to use the W Plot Model (or Dramatica …

Help with antagonist's goals and using multiple POVs. 
Question: Wondering if anyone with great wisdom can help me... I have 2 problems really that have pretty much stopped me writing anything decent for …

NOVEL WRITING (Protagonist vs. Main Character) 
Question: Who is a protagonist? How is he different from the main character? Thanks! Answer: "Protagonist" is a term that comes from ancient Greek …

Feedback on a 'prophecy' I have written for my story 
Hello! I have recently come up with the idea for a story that I REALLY like! I have created a plot by reading your 'Create a Plot Outline in 8 Easy Steps' …

How can one be inspired? 
Question: A problem I have been battling through my journey in writing is the lack of inspiration. I have leafed through countless author sites - this …

Autobiography story structure  
Question: I am working on my autobiography and would like to get guidance on the structure. Can you please help? Answer: The principles of story …

Name of Novel? 
Question: Is it permissible to write a novel (story) which will have the same name of another novel or book? Example: "Dark Night" by John Doe......" …

What is the difference between the main character and the protagonist? 
Question: What is the difference between the main character and the protagonist? Answer: "Protagonist" is a word that goes back to ancient Greek …

How to describe physical appearance 
Question: I have all my characters pictured perfectly in my mind but I'm not sure how I would describe them when writing. One of my fears is that even …

difficult topics 
Question: How do I cover darker/socially unacceptable topics in my writing without going "too far" or not being able to find a positive solution to my …

Fast Novel Writing 
Question: I am writing a story and my mom is rushing me. How do I write faster and swiftly, without my novel looking as if it was spit out of a factory? …

Book chapters 
Question: I would like to know what is acceptable when writing a book for chapter length. My book is about Novella length. I have some chapters that …

Is luck an acceptable character trait? 
Question: I've tried to balance it out by having my character's luck failing occasionally and just opting for the least likely outcome rather than something …

Does the story relayed in a journal have to be a "co-plot"? 
Question: You just answered a question for me about whether ICs can be dead, and that answer was very clear, but something else you said in that response …

Can an impact character be dead? 
My current novel-in-progress is fantasy genre, and the protagonist is a healer who develops the ability to transfer (or "take") wounds, disease, and poison …

Thinking about writing a book about the funny things my grandsons say 
Question: I've been posting some of the funny things my grandsons say on facebook. Several people have suggested I write a book. I'm undecided if I should …

Click here to ask your question.

Two separate characters telling their story as first person. 
Question: This is my first attempt at writing a book. I have planned to alternate my chapters with 2 main characters, both are equally important. I have …

Product Placement, Real World Professional References In My Story 
Hi again, Glen! I am curious. When would I need to ask permission to use a product, service, invention and/or a professional public figure's name …

Making a series into stand alone.  
Hey there! As I was reading through the articles and questions on this site to help with my own progress as a complete newbie, I stumbled across something …

Should novice writers avoid a 1st person POV? 
Question: I've begun plotting my story, intending to write it in the first person. However, today I was reading a book, Write Good or Die, in which one …

percentage for helpers 
Question: I have written the book.. and an illustrator is doing the graphics. She is also helping do some of the formatting... what percentage would …

Wattpad and other reading sites. 
Question: Do you think posting stories in reading sites like Wattpad is a good way for aspiring writers? I want my work to be published traditionally …

non fiction 
Question: Do I leave my family names out knowing they hate me. afraid they will try to sue. plus who can be a ghost writer? Answer: Writing a book …

Question: I want to write a novel but I want to write it about my own experiences as if it were a biography. I am afraid people will not be interested …

Character Traits 
Question: Can you recommend to me an unusual as well as unexpected combination of personality traits? I am trying to find a personally trait that does …

hyphen use 
Hello there. First of all, this website has helped me so thank you. I want to know if "kid me" needs a hyphen or not. I do not plan to use it as in …

Using Real World vs. Fictional Company Names and Product References in Your Story 
Hi Glenn! Got married a year back and had a name change, but still follow you, and really want to thank you for this wonderful and NECESSARY, relevant …

Where do I go from here? 
Question: So I have almost finished my novel. I have 81,000 words divided into 23 chapters. I have no idea where to go. I have never written a book …

Creating a strong reason(s) for antagonist to against protagonist  
Question: I am writing a thriller that features a 17-year-old girl that fights against a witch that wants to destroy her. Can you please give me …

Which Order to Introduce Multiple Protagonists  
Question: Who's story goes first in a multi-narrative story that involves a false protagonist who dies before Protagonists A & B are introduced and none …

know the characters 
Hello, I really enjoyed from your website. I write my story and I'm in the fourth chapter. And friends tell me they do not feel they know enough …

Using References to Real World Companies and Other Author's Published Works In Your Story 
Question: In a story I am currently reading, the author uses real world company names rather than fake ones, and when using humor, sarcasm or other plot …

Two-Person Narration 
Hi, I wanted to know what are the pros and cons of writing a book with two narrators? Answer: The downside is that, whenever you introduce additional …

Writing about topics I don't know too well... 
Hi! I'm John (big fan of your page!), and I have a question that has been haunting me for a while and will not let me begin ANY book I try to write. …

Multiple Points of View 
Question: I've been told I'm "head-hopping" in my contemporary romance manuscript. How do you convey different characters' thoughts, feelings, or reactions …

How does someone connect their short strories/novellas 
Question: I have 2 Questions. It is said that most agents don't accept collection of short stories or collection of novellas from debut authors because …

Low self esteem 
Question: I've been writing ever since I was 6 years old but the only people who have ever read it are my mom and dad. Now I'm 17 years old and I just …

Switching Perpsectives 
Question: I'd like to apologize in advance for the lengthy paragraph, sorry. The story I'm writing uses the perspective of multiple characters, alongside …

How to develop my ideas 
Question: I have a plot in mind put it is very difficult to develop it. I don't know what to do. I have the idea but how to write about events and things …

Long dialog segments 
Hello, I'm writing a novelization of a stage play, a comedy. There are very lengthy passages of dialog between only two characters, some are about three …

what are the external and internal goals of the heroine and hero of my romantic novel 
Question: The story is all about two lovers who met in a particular restaurant somewhere in New York. She wasn't able to pay her bill because she noticed …

Click here to ask your question.

Devopling conflict 
Question: So I'm having trouble with conflicts. I want my story to be about a girl who is a princess but doesn't know it. Later on in the story she, …

Antagonist as main Character 
Question: I'm writing a book where the main character is an Antagonist; the bad guy, and it's from HIS point of view. In the very end, however, he …

What to do for when a character thinks? 
Hello, I am of course writing a novel and I am having some problems with characters thought. What if there are two characters in the scene having …

Dramatica "this scene represents" and creating scenes..but what about Sequels 
Question: After months of creating my elements for my novel in Dramatica I'm finally up to creating scenes. I've read countless materials from a variety …

Is My Novel a collection of short stories or a Novel 
Question: My novel is told from 7 POV characters. Each POV story is like a short novel (Novella). I say this because each POV has its own beginning, …

How Might I Attempt My First Fantasy Novel? 
Question: Now, I'm very young for making novels (Not going to say exactly) but I would like to know exactly how to create my own fantasy. You see, I'm …

Musicians/Actors' names in novels 
Hello, I've been hearing that a writer shouldn't mention or quote a lyric of a song, due to the copyrights, but if a writer wants to mention the name of …

Third person writing  
Question: I converted my novel from 1st person to 3rd. It's confusing to me and I feel I lost some momentum. A Dr. (3rd person past tense) is asking …

Setting of the story 
Hi, I am writing a young adult story where they go to a fighting school (a made up school) and I would like to know if putting it in a real country or …

Ways to edit 
Question: Now, I understand that, when doing the first draft, you must simply write, even if pace, descriptiveness, and character accuracy are dead. …

Time Management 
Hello, Glen, In September last year, I finished the first draft of my novel (and thanks to your Novel Planning workbook). In January this year, I have …

Beta reader and paid editing service 
Question: As an English second language speaker who doesn't live in an English speaking country, I found myself having trouble with finding beta readers. …

How long should a chapter be?  
Question: Hi, I'm struggling to decide when to change the chapter. I know it's when you change the subject but I seem to write 4 or 5 pages and then …

Star Wars 
Question: Would it be possible for you to post a complete analysis of Star Wars, A New Hope? Preferably including the signposts for all four throughlines …

My Issues with Writing Books 
Hello. I am a 13 year old writer who'd rather be anonymous. Could you determine if this story idea is good or not? If so, can you help me with the problems …

Novel Spanning Months??? 
Question: In the current novel I am writing, (a realistic fiction with a paranormal-ish twist,) the protagonist, in short, is staying away from home, …

Is it okay to have a completely fictional setting for an otherwise realistic story? 
Question Writing a story which takes place in a city where I've never truly lived in is treacherous. I've seen a lot of comments on other books pointing …

Is writng a novella sometimes a better, more practical option? 
Hello, Mr. Strathy. Suppose there simply wasn't enough material for one's dream novel and rather than abandoning the project tried to find a market for …

How to find an agent? 
Question: I never have a problem writing, I do get occasional writers block but I'm not sure where to even start to find someone to read my book. Where …

Uninteresting Scenes 
Question: I'm working on a story that I've been outlining for a while now. I've started chapter 1, and my protagonist starts alone in her room, woken …

Does a status-quo Consequence need to be averted? 
I am going through your 8-Step Plot Outline exercise, and I think my Consequence is the type that is in effect when the story opens. (I'm outlining the …

Protagonist with Evil Story Goal in Novel 
Question: How do you write a good novel in which the protagonist has an evil story goal? Answer: Though they are more rare, there are stories told …

Starting a second draft before finishing the first one 
Hi Glen, This is Wolfgang from Germany. Great website you got here! I was lurking for quite a while now, perusing your writing advice. But now, I finally …

Not Quite out of Thin Air 
Hi Glen I'm having a blast working on my novel. Ideas are jumping out at me from all over. This is actually problematic, though, in a way. One very …

How to increase suspense in my novel 
Dear Glen, I am about to complete the final draft of my novel and to start sending it agents. One agent that showed the first 2000 words to (as part …

Click here to ask your question.

Should I use real-world locations or fictional locations for specific places? 
Question: I'm writing a contemporary romance novel, and I wonder if I should use real locations or fictional locations when it comes to very specific …

How to create more psychological suspense 
Drear Glen, I am nearing the final (6th) draft of my novel and I will soon be ready to start sending it off to agents. My novel is in the psychological …

How to make my character less stereotypical? 
Question: I'm writing a story about a boy who just moved to town and falls in love at first sight with a girl in his school. The problem is that his …

Just another love story? 
Question: I am a first time writer and I have an idea for a novel I want to write. But I am afraid that it will just disappear in the crowd of the other …

Story written in US English but want to publish in UK 
Question: My murder story takes place in Key West Florida so I have had to write the book in US English and also primarily because it would have the …

Question: So I have written a book that takes place in America. The problem is, I am Irish. Most Irish publishers prefer books that relate to Ireland …

Question: Is there anything wrong with setting my detective novel in the recent past (1990s)? I have been advised that publishers aren't keen on this. …

about genre, novel ?  
Question: I have a story about my family's history. Personal events, things they don't want anyone to know. How can I use the true events, while threading …

Writing necessary Scenes 
Hi. I'm a first time novel writer and I've found this website amazing to help develop my novel. I have hundreds of questions, but at the moment I'm …

Question: My novel started out as a fanfic and now I'm worried that it's too close to the original source material. I tried to change as much as I could …

Too Similar to Another Story 
Question: So, the novel I'm writing is set is a Superhero/Supervillain world and is about a preteen girl who discovers she is a Mad Scientist. She goes …

Discrimination in Publishing? 
Question: I'm writing a romance novel right now targeting women in their twenties and I hope that when I am finished it I could get this book published …

Time To Quit? 
Mr. Strathy, is there any type of sign or marker which indicates it's time to give up? I am so "stuck" and frustrated right now because I can't think of …

If I choose to write a literary novel should I follow the same steps ? What about theme as opposed to Story goal? I am confused. 
Question: I chose to write a literary novel as opposed to genre. How about theme as opposed to story goal? Should I use both theme and story goal? You …

Truthfulness in the details of a story  
Greetings Glen, I seem to pass here asking lot of questions but thats because I want this novel of mine to have much ' Credibility ' in it, so it doesn't …

Too much, if any, backstory allowed... 
Hello, sir. May I have your thoughts on backstory, please? Is devoting most of the first chapter to backstory unwise? Would doing that "turn off" an editor …

Difference between Impact and Relationship Throughlines 
Question: Could you please give more information about the Impact and Relationship throughlines? There is a clear differentiation between the Overall …

How to write an effective outline. 
Question: My question is I wrote a brief outline and I'm unsure how to write an introduction, also I'm stuck on whether the plot is at the end of the …

Proposal submission 
Question: I thank you for your time to read and answer the questions. I have submitted my proposal(synopsis, initial chapters) to a few agents and …

Idea development. 
Question: When one only has a setting, or a character, or a short scene as their idea/inspiration, how do you develop that into an idea that would support …

Good practice while stalled? 
To Mr. Strathy, I am stuck and frustrated to the point of throwing in the towel with my novel. So I've taken to writing what I guess one would call …

Muddled up ideas 
Question: My entire story stemmed from one simple image of a soldier & a firing squad. The problem is that since then I have created proper detailed …

Will the Ending work? 
Question: I've got everything for my To-Do list done. The plot, Characters with a role, the Protagonists journey from zero-hero etc. Except the ending. …

I keep getting distracted 
Question: Okay so I really love writing, it is my dream to become an author. Right now I am writing a story and I have all the ideas for it in my head …

I Think I Use Too Many Exclamation Points!!! 
Question: How does one determine that one is using too many exclamation points? Should they be avoided at all costs? Writers are discouraged from dialogue …

Click here to ask your question.

Where to put what 
Question: Well, I'll explain it better: I'm confused about where to put some kinds of information. For example, I want to explain each character's story, …

How to put it down on paper 
Question: I've been wanting to write a book for a while now and have multiple ideas for books. My problem is I can't figure out how to get my ideas from …

Theme in a series 
Question: I struggle with theme. Whether I'm over or under simplifying it I'm not sure but it feels (in my lack of experience) like a slightly narrow, …

A New Language 
Question: My book idea is fantasy and takes place in our world so most everything will be in English but I keep wanting the demons and monsters to have …

Plot Outlines and Story Arcs 
Question: On your plot outline you explain how you have an Overall, Main Character, Impact Character, and Relationship Arc. I understand how the Main, …

Is changing POV between protagonist and antagonist a bad plan? 
Question: My original story is completely from the POV of the protagonist. I feel that I can make the story more "fleshy" if I switch between protagonist …

citations needed in novel writing 
I'm a freelance editor, working on a novel containing a number of quotes, some several paragraphs long, from sources in the public domain. Also, one of …

Discouraged Writer 
Hi, I just want to ask an advice on this. As an aspiring writer, I'm aware of the fact that it's tough to publish especially for newbies today, but I …

The Difference Between Showing and Telling?  
Hi there! I'm currently working on a novel, and one of my main goals is to allow the reader to really feel like they're in the moment, as if they they're …

Hi I am a 27 years married working lady; I would like to write an autobiography. I am sure my story will be inspiring for many; but I'm not sure how to …

How to deal with a lot of important characters and all their throughlines 
Question: I've been worldbuilding a fantasy universe for more than 10 years... suffice it to say that I now have a WHOLE F*** LOT of characters, most …

Stuck on the climax 
Question: I am writing a crime novel (as if that hasn't been overdone already) and my climax is a bit of a rough one to hammer out. I want to give as …

Issue in 'Character Narrator' mode 
Hello, I've been following the right techniques in writing and trying to apply them, while doing so, I faced an issue. I noticed you wrote in the Narrative …

Writers Block 
Hi, my name is Lucas, I've been writing since age 11 and I am now working towards my first full length novel, but that is where my problem comes in. For …

Antagonist's presence in the story 
Question: I am working on a series of 3 or four books telling one central story. How do you write a villain like Sauron from Lord of the Rings who has …

Backstory in chapter one.. 
Question: I'm writing a story in which the backstory, which is kind of like a flashback is important. I began the first chapter with the main character …

Who's the protagonist, here? 
Question: I've finished the 8th draft of my first novel, a contemporary romance with some comedy, but not enough to call it a rom-com. It is in omniscient …

Too many ideas? How many points of view?  
Hello all, I am currently writing my second novel, and the first that I hope to finish. I have two issues: my points of view when writing in third …

Three characters in three different locations at the same time. 
Question: Three characters are all doing something very important to the plot at the same time. Can I swap from one location to another in order to explain …

Which narration should I use?  
Question: I intend to focus my story around an 19 year old boy who has suffered a lot of emotional and physical abuse at the hands of his family. I want …

writing the 'loglines'... 
Question: Is this the appropriate place to put a question for 'Step by Step Novel Planning Workbook' question? Following in your workbook pages I …

Character's Delimma 
Question: It’s the highlight of all stories when protagonists will corner to choose a critical decision, like in Star Wars, Luke wants to bring Vader …

Describing how to pronounce things 
Question: I need to describe how to pronounce a special word in my book. The word is simple, but the spelling is apparently usually pronounced in another …

Hi,I would like to come up with a unique idea for a novel which no other author has used. I want to be the first to write the story and create something …

Confused about the order of things 
Question: I am 13, and I finished my manuscript, and I'm about to give it to my sister, who is an excellent writer, to edit. While she is doing that …

Click here to ask your question.

Question: I read somewhere that an intact plot should have two outcomes, if the protagonist fails in his goal, something bad will happen and if …

A Cosmic Kick-Off 
Question: The major backdrop of my story is a war of ideals going on between a variety of cults and new religious movements (all of which will be fictional, …

Narrative Dilemma 
Question: My story is very much dependent on its being told in first-person (as I tend to write character better than plot). However, given that I'm …

Informing the Reader without Expo-dumping 
...or how much expo-dumping can you do without completely pulling your reader out of the plot. The book I'm writing deals with a brother and sister …

Names of characters, places, things in a memoir/fiction work 
Question: I have changed the names to "protect the innocent". But my convention has been use just a first name, unless you are going to call that person …

Urges to keep editing instead continue the story 
Question: (First, this is not my native language so I'm sorry if I make any mistake.) Hi I am a beginner at writing novel. Actually I just have slight …

Worldbuilding Questions and Answers 
Question: My friend and I are currently world-building for our collaborative piece, but we are having difficulties with the man-made geography. We have …

Which Books/Websites? 
Hi, I have reached the editing stage for my 95,000 word novel. This is my first time finishing a novel I'm only thirteen, but I want to try querying …

Originality and "nods" to other works? 
I had a couple of questions regarding the originality of content. I've got two examples which I'll try to keep brief. Firstly, my current project features …

Finding Original Ideas 
Question: I prefer to write fiction, and really want to give a supernatural element to my main character, but everything seems to already have been done. …

I can't move forward 
Question: I'm 19 and I like writing. I love reading and it gives me ideas but then I get stuck and I don't know how to move on with it always feeling …

Understanding Dramatica Theory 
Hi! I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around the concept of an impact character, and am wondering how interpretive it is. For example, …

How much is too much when writing emotional situations? 
Hello, good work here! Question: how do I make it so that I don't go overboard in detailing my character's grief but still have an effective emotional …

Past vs. Present Tense 
Question: I've noticed that people say I switch tenses in my writing sometimes. I think most of the time I'll write my story in one tense but then in …

How would you show slow progress without boring your audience? 
Question: How would you show slow progress without boring your audience? By slow progress, I mean your character practices ballet/sword fighting/chess …

How do you transition smoothly from plot point to plot point? 
Question: In a "Hero's Journey," where the quest is essentially to find something (treasure, person, lost island), how do you transition from plot point …

Novell writing 
What is the Best way to arrange Plot points of my Novel Storyline (Major and Minior ones) to increase the dramatic-ness, action-ness? I also would …

importance of sequence 
Question: So I'm writing for the first time ever, and I want to know if what I'm doing is acceptable or not. I started off at the birth of the protagonist. …

en medias res??? 
Hello, I first want to say that I appreciate all of your brilliant advice to you give on this site. I find them all extremely helpful. My question …

Afraid of Second Act Sag 
Question: First of all, great to have found your site. Very well thought out and detail oriented. Am well into my novella, which deals with a very …

Reading helps writing 
Hi, Glen, I come across several authors advising aspiring writers to read a lot to improve the writing skills. Does it mean one needs to look for how …

Question: Should one reply/respond to a rejection notice from an editor or from a workshop such as Clarion or Odyssey? If so, what do you suggest? …

Question: I'm writing a novel in third person limited on an online site, and while everyone loves the protagonist with all his quirks and awkward nature, …

Middle Grade Novel 
Question: What is the ideal word count for a middle grade fantasy fiction? How dark could it be, I know there's a limitation but somehow I want to have …

the climax complications 
Question: I am currently working on a story with two plots. One, a story of a man who turns into a terrorist and the other, a college student with his …

Click here to ask your question.

Characters reading books 
Question: What is the best way to write about a character reading a book? I am writing in omniscient but mainly following one character. He is currently …

Descpription - Not enough?  
Question: I'm currently writing a fanfiction and I have a friend of mine who says I don't have a lot of details. I describe what the character does, …

How do you know how long your book will be? 
Question: I know it's not really important and probably the last thing you should worry about and you should just write your book but I can't help but …

I'm not really sure how to make this work  
Question: I started writing a vampire story about a man and his children. He's trying to find stability for his family and at the same time keep them …

describing your main character  
Question: How do I properly describe my main character's physical appearance when I am telling the story from his/her point of view? Answer: This …

Writing a strong female character 
Hi there, I am new to writing, and I am finding it very difficult writing female characters. I have two female characters, one is a more feminine …

How to organize my book 
Question: I just started writing an idea that popped into my head. It's about a girl that finds her fiance cheating on her and gets her heart broken, …

Requirements, prerequisites and preconditions. 
Question: (First off, this is not my native language so please forgive me any mistakes) I've come across some uncertainties while outlining my novel …

What do you think of Twilight Saga? 
Hi, I read the twilight saga (or at least the first three) a few months ago and absolutely despised it, for many reasons mostly having to do with the characters. …

Novel Series 
Question: I want to write a series but I'm doubtful if my first book is a stand alone one. It has its own plot but there are events on it that will …

Is my novel too complicated? 
Question: I'm writing a teen werewolf novel and it's hard for me to make my characters and plot unique. The problem is that I read the Twilight series …

Will readers object to a lack of romance? 
Question: I have an idea that I have been turning over in my head for quite a while. The main characters are a boy and a girl, who are very close. However, …

Create A Plot Outline in 8 easy steps gone wrong  
Question: I followed the steps and came out with a beautiful plot summary for one character. Where it went wrong....I am working on a first person piece …

Second POV Character? 
Hello and thank you to everyone and anyone who answers my question! Here it goes... I've written a novella in the deep 3rd person pov of one character. …

Plotless adventure novels 
Question: I'm writing a few fantasy novels, and some of them have this storyline: basically, the hero has to travel from Point A to Point B. During his …

Sticking With A Story 
Question I'm trying to write a book, and I keep having trouble sticking with a story. I know I want it to be a fantasy novel (medieval styled) and I …

How to introduce information that would be obvious to the characters 
Question: I have spent a lot of time working out characters and plot lines in a story of mine, and am finally sitting down to flesh it out into a real …

Question: I've had difficulty understanding this for quite a while. What is theme exactly? What I mean is, why is it needed in a story? Isn't it because …

Detailed Outline 
Question: I have been planing my novel since January 1. Your site has been a goldmine of support! Now that I am ready to outline my book, I need more …

Quoting Someone Else's Work in a Novel 
Question: I'm writing a fictional novel, and I would like to quote from a few different sources (quotes my characters say in reference to another's actual …

Question: What if you decide to add a new language that you've created and already finished perfecting it but don't know how to incorporate it into the …

describing fantasy/fiction  
Question: If you're writing a fictional book with a made up world and made up land with settings never seen before, does the "show, not tell" tip apply?? …

UK English or US English when submitting a Query Letter? 
Question: If a manuscript has been written in English (UK), yet the author is submitting a query letter to the USA, should both letter and future submissions …

Writing in multiple points of view 
Question: I never know if I should write in first or third person. I always want to do first but I'm not always sure if it would work especially when …

Adding complexity to a plot that involves just two characters  
Question: I'm in the process of writing a novel that revolves around a teenager struggling to survive after her plane crashes in the Canadian wilderness. …

Click here to ask your question.

Problems with the Length of a Novel 
Question: What is your advice about having trouble in reaching the desired word count? I've just finished drafting my first novel but it didn't reach …

Publisher Preferences 
Question: I've heard that publishers are unlikely to consider a single book (novel), or are more likely to consider one if it is the first in a series …

Deep Third Person Limited POV 
Answers in bold below Hi, I thank you for your immediate and quick response to my earlier question about logical story and its repercussion on …

Prioritizing Multiple Writing Projects 
Hello again, Glen! I was watching the penultimate episode of "Sons Of Anarchy" tonight (cried the entire episode), and at some point I read that series …

Character Details 
Question: I have a general idea of how my plot is going to work and I have the character bios created to help me remember all of their specific details. …

Similarities to other works 
Question: What do you do when you come up with an idea and plot for a novel, and it turns out that another author has already written something very …

Novelization Of A Screenplay 
Question: I have the rights to a complete screenplay that has not yet been made into a film. It's a very compelling and mostly true historical drama. …

How my characters speak as compared to the narrative 
Question: I am writing a book that takes place in the medieval period, swords, bows, knights, kings that type of thing. I have done research on how they …

Logical Story  
Hi, I'm a member of a critique group and actively working on my second novel. Some critters complain about the logic of the story. They say it's impossible …

Determining the Impact Character of my time-travel novel. 
Question: - I was wondering; is it ever possible to consider a specific circumstance, environment or event as the "Impact Character" in a story, rather …

Read a book on fighting and need some advice 
Question I recently purchased and read a book you suggested for another post about fighting scenes (Writing Fight Scenes by Rayne Hall) In that book …

Writers Block 
Question: Whenever I start a book, I just give up on it and start a new one. If it is possible, how do I write a story without getting writer's block? …

Two or more main characters and their respective points of view during a chapter 
Question: I have a couple of main characters and they have now met and are in the same chapter. While most of the book will be written either them together …

Software for a book containing artwork 
Hi everyone, I am just beginning to write an astrology book and I want to have lots of pics etc. in it. Is there a free software program available to …

Alternate Universe Tips 
Question: I would like to write a story that takes place in an alternative universe. The differences between it and ours are very small and almost nonexistent, …

How to write when the story doesn't result in victory .. 
Hello, I'm looking to write a short story, non-fictional. It's about a race season, David vs. Goliath, etc. The main character wins races and championships …

Sex: How To Utilize It Effectively and What Is Considered "Too Much"? 
Question: It's been a long time since I have asked a question, and I have been getting SUCH GREAT advice in the questions that hit my inbox almost daily. …

Developing your writing style 
Question: Your blog is amazing. You've done a great job in helping people like me. I have a thousand questions on mind now but anyways I have just started …

Point of view 
Question: If I use third person won't it be awkward? I mean, if I know exactly how the other person feels. I want it to sound real. Suppose I use third …

brands in nonfiction 
Question: Can you include brand names in nonfiction writing without prior permission? For example if discussing social media and the major players. …

story structure 
Question: How detailed should the structure of my story be without overloading the reader and still maintain it's integrity? Answer: Good structure …

More on Multiple POV 
Question I am writing a Sci Fi Fantasy type novel. Most of my ideas for it are in 1st person, present and seem to really work like that. However, there …

more than one book in a series 
Question: I have a few ideas for how my books are going to lay out. I would like to see which is the least time consuming, but the best way to bring …

Archetypal Characters, Can the Skeptic be the "Evil One?"  
Question: Is it possible to Have your Antagonist (avoid, reconsider) Character NOT be the evil guy but to be someone who wants the Protagonist (pursue, …

How many points of view should I have? 
Question: I can't decide which person the point of view should be. Originally I had 5 POV's for the five main characters, but now I've gone down to two …

Click here to ask your question.

Genre Distinctions & Publication 
First off, this is the BEST writer's resource site I've found! Thank you for existing! I have several questions about if and when I finish my first novel …

Question: How can I plan how can I plan and develop the setting for my novel? Answer: The best settings to use are places you are intimately familiar …

How to create a good introduction 
Question: I'm having trouble creating my first paragraph. I always feel like I have a good first sentence but after that I feel like I keep giving way …

Writing a First Chapter 
Question: My story has to do with an assassin. The story starts out as the main character is after someone within a building and from there the audience …

God's Child 
Question: The setting is in Ethiopia and the book is being written in Amharic language. The novel is about a mom, who as pregnant teen was thrown …

How do I know if I should add an idea to a book? 
Question: This is kind of an opinion question I guess but I'm just not sure what to do or well if it would work. Ok so my story idea is about different …

novel writing difficulty  
Question: Is it easy to write a novel at the age of 13? Answer: It's not easy to write a novel at any age, but it can be quite rewarding (personally, …

Organizing your material and scenes and chapters 
Question: I have a tendency to write scenes at random. In other words, no order at all, but as they come to me. What I have by the time I'm half way …

Purpose Of Interludes 
Hi, First i want to start off by saying how much i admire your blogs and tips on writing so much that it EXTREMELY helped me with starting my novel. It …

How do I convey to my loved ones that I need space to do my writing??? 
Ok: This question deals with working AROUND my family while trying to further develop my plot. Many of my loved ones encourage me in my endeavour and believe …

Main Character and Thematic and Moral Issue Illustrations 
Hello, I have two burning questions. 1) My story is about domestic violence; however, it focuses on the wife being the perpetrator. The story …

Character relationships 
Question: : My book has a pretty big cast list (with about 6 'main')- basically a school bus went missing and these kids are stranded, for weeks by themselves. …

How to describe hair styles? 
Question: How do you describe hair? Both guy and girl hair. I really have no idea how to describe different hair styles. What words do you use? I can …

Should I write in 1st person POV or 3rd? 
Question: I do not have much experience in 3rd person POV, but it seems a bit harder because you have the limited and omniscient types. The majority …

Dialogue Questions and Answers 
Question: I am writing a novel in which a survivor of the story is actually writing the book from events that happened 5 years prior. I would like to …

Descriptive Dummy 
Question: I have a plot, all my characters and the world they live in but when it comes to describing my characters and my world, I find it either is …

How to write a phone conversation? 
Question: In my book there are a couple time when a character is talking on a phone or through an ear piece to someone. How would I do the conversation? …

How do I pick up a story after a break? 
Question: I have the beginning of a great story in my head, and I've written 4 draft pages. But when I stop writing for the day, I can't find the energy …

The Setting 
Question: How do you describe the setting? What is important and how deep should the writer go. It's about the characters, the setting is just the place …

Prologue Questions and Answers 
Question: My novel begins with a prologue that depicts an action sequence involving the three main characters (2 protagonists, 1 antagonist). The sequence …

Keeping motivated to write 
Dear Glen, I find your website and your answer to my previous question very helpful so I am writing again. I completed an MA in Creative Writing …

Hi your site is wonderful. I've learned so much. My question is if I'm planning for sixteen chapters and I have 4 scenes should there be one scene per …

Rejection or new ideas 
From: "In that case, your subconscious may get tired of rejection and stop giving …

fantasy with two plots.... 
Hello I'm starting to write a fantasy trilogy book about a young girl who is from a small town down south. She is from a broken home and wants to get out. …

Too Little time 
Question: I really want to be a published writer, but schoolwork and family time take up a lot of my time. What can I do to find more time to write? …

Click here to ask your question.

What is Theme? 
Question: I've read that theme can be an opinionated message or a one-word concept that the story explores. Which one is it? For example, is "revenge" …

Using time travel in my book 
Question: In my book I want to do some time traveling. The book isn't about time travel and it's not the main thing it's just something the characters …

Changing a character's archetype 
Question: Is a character's archetype based on its final state when the story ends, or can a character's archetype change one or more times during the …

character relationships 
Question: In my book series the main main character is introduced in the second book and she has a boyfriend but they break up in either the second or …

Worried my book is moving too quickly.  
Question: I'm writing my novel and even on page 11 a lot has happened. I'm aiming for the book to be approximately 200 pages long so how might I be able …

Multiple Novels Coming to Completion Simultaneously 
Hi I've so enjoyed using your resources for a series of novels I've been working on. Although I know you always advise to focus on writing and selling …

Question: If you have write one series like where people fight monsters and demons and then you write another series where not the same type of people …

Question: If you're writing a book and you have a planned sequel in your head like 7 books and you get the first one published do you tell your publisher …

What type of research needs to be done? 
Question In my book I want one of my characters to be a pretty good hacker and as cool as it would to be one I am not and I know really nothing about …

Not a hero and not a villian 
Question: The main character of my book isn't a hero but she also isn't a villain. She's killed people, has done horrible things, and will do whatever …

When to get an agent 
Question: I thought that you got an agent and then they helped you get a publisher but someone told me you usually get a publisher and then after you …

Do I need an agent? 
Question: Do you need an agent or can you just have a publisher? Do you not need an agent and it's just better to have one? If you don't have an agent …

How to do a time jump 
Question: I don't want to do a prologue and I want the first chapter to be how the world got that way and what the character went through to get where …

I'm Probably Doing This Wrong 
Hi. So, I'm working on my second draft of a manuscript wherein my main character, Tyla, has to overcome a series of obstacles involving her mental health …

What sounds cooler? 
Question: In the end I know it's my decision but I just need opinions and Yahoo didn't really give much help. So I'm thinking about creating a book where …

Choosing a Book Title 
Question: I know that the publisher usually comes up with the title or can change it if they want. But you need to come up with a title for your book …

Creating a powerful scene (character's emotions) 
Question: In any of my book ideas someone dies or someone get very emotionally hurt. I picture what the character are doing and how they act but I don't …

More than one book 
Question: I can be working on coming up with ideas for a book but then come up with an idea for a totally different book and then I keep coming up with …

Question: This isn't really a question I just want an opinion. So my book takes place in a dystopian world where some people have powers and they either …

Who should read my book? 
Question After I finish my book should I have some of my friends and family read it before I send it to an agent or publisher so I know if it's good …

Character relationships keep changing 
Question: I had an idea for a relationship between my main character and another character but then I changed it to another character then changed it …

How do I come up with the dialogue and little details in a scene? 
I have an unlimited number of story ideas. My outlines are thorough and complete. I can give a summary of each chapter, know how I want the overall story …

more than one prequel 
Question: I want to do a prequel for my character for before the events in the actual series and it's for the last 10 years of her life. I thought about …

Question: In my book I have a character that when you meet her she's already been through a lot and met a lot of people and just thought of the idea …

Not Your Typical Writer's Block 
Hi, first of all, thank you so much for the resources on the site. I love your advice and the community that's developed here - so thanks. :) Now on …

Click here to ask your question.

How to write a villain protaganist that's evil but somehow likable? 
This type of story focuses on a villain who has an "interesting" moral compass, one vastly different from the rest of society. Because of this, she views …

Which portions of the plot outline need multiple items 
Question: I have gone through the 8 parts of a plot outline and I can't figure out how many items should be listed under requirements, forewarnings, …

Protagonist with 2 goals? 
Question: I am working on a book for a musical. Question, can the protagonist have two main objectives...for instance, one to achieve his dreams of …

Plot: Spontenaity vs. Structure 
Question: How can you combine both spontaneity and structure when outlining the plot of a novel? Answer: I would hazard to guess that no writer …

Writing The First Sentence of Your Novel 
Question: I have 2 ideas for an opening sentence and I don't know which will be better. 1. Would give some background like saying that 100 years ago …

Being too graphic 
Question: In my book a few of my characters get kidnapped and tortured and I want to be pretty detailed about it so you can really feel what they're …

Too similar to another story 
Question: Ok so I got an idea for a book after reading Vampire Academy and that's about a girl who's a guardian and they are half vampire and half …

Writing Memories / Flashbacks 
Question: What is the proper way write memories or flashbacks in a novel? While I am unsure of how to integrate a flashback into a story, I am more …

A mythical question 
Question: I'm writing a novel based on mythology, the main antagonist is from mythology but I am aware that other franchises have used Nergal in their …

Questions About Manuscript Format 
Question: What does it mean to double space your manuscript? Answer: It means that there is space equal to a blank line between each line of text. …

How do I write an action/sci-fi novel aimed for young teenagers.? 
Hello, I'm currently writing a novel about mythical characters set in a modern world with the main character being a fifteen year old kid. I was …

How do I get the book out there for people to read? 
Question: I want to write a small book. Who do I contact to publish it, and proofread, and edit it? Answer: If you want to go the traditional route, …

Using a deceased person in a novel 
Question: I'm writing my first fiction novel, and I would like to know if it's okay to use a real person from the past who is deceased in a fiction novel. …

Writing in a language that isn't your mother language? 
Question: I'm currently 20 years old and the last 5 years I have been writing up a story I have held dear since I was 9 years old. The only problem …

Narrator POV 
Question: I've been working on a story for about a year, a little bit here, a little there. This is my first attempt at a novel. I'm about 20,000 words …

How do I go about writing a book that is loosely based on my life? 
Question: I am an 80s fanatic and know a lot and love a lot of what happened from 1980-1989 and would like to write a book about it. The problem is that …

Question: An agent told me my manuscript has "way too much development work" for him to represent me. Where do I begin to make improvements? Answer …

Copyrighting issues 
Hiya I tried asking this before but I don't think I sent it correctly. My question was, due to my novel I am using several vehicles and was curious …

Will the Reader Hate Me? 
Question: I've heard a lot of readers complaining lately about young adult novels wherein the main character's life changes when she meets a boy. And …

Writer's Notebook 
Question: I want to create a writer's notebook to jot down all my stuff in my head. All the research I have done on this says to just to basically use …

Basing my story somewhere that I live? 
Question: I live in Tennessee, somewhere that's probably not too popular, and I wanted to write about it in my book. It seemed easier to me, but I'm …

Having a same sex relationship with characters? 
Question: Okay, so, I have this story I want to write where the main character is gay. But, I'm scared to write and try and publish something like that …

I accidentally came up with a story that very closely reflects that of another story. 
Question: Ok, I've been thinking about this story for almost a year now, and I have finally distilled it into a (in my opinion) beautifully well-laid …

Too much clog? 
Question: My friend and I are in the process of writing a book together. We decided at the beginning that it would take place in a different planet that …

Treating the contagonist favorably 
Question So I've got two questions, both revolving around the same character. I have a character I'm developing who is assuming the role of both the …

Click here to ask your question.

Having a hard time connecting my characters to the plot 
Hi I really find the website helpful. I'm having a hard time relating my characters to main plot. My story is about a young desert prince soon to rule …

MC/Protag split and POV 
Question: After a long time of thinking my Main Character and Protagonist would be the same character (and written in Limited 3rd POV), I am exploring …

How do I not tire of my story? 
Question: I'm thirteen years old and have been writing since I was eight. Since then, I've completed multiple short stories and one novella, none of …

How to keep your passion for your story 
Question: I've always wanted to write a book. I've experimented for years, often times knowing an idea was just for practice. But now I think I've …

Male or Female? 
Question: I'm a female but I love writing from a guy's point of view and I find it easier to do and to relate to them that way. However, I've heard that …

Good Novel Writing Software 
Question: Could you recommend a good Novel Writing Software package? Answer: There are plenty of novel writing software programs available. The …

How to Copyright a Novel 
Hello Glen! It's been awhile since I have written in for a question, though I have participated in the comments section of several questions answered …

Bloody accents 
Question: I'm writing a story where a character is Nubian. She is raised in a small village called fangross. anyway she is raised there and is later …

Climax to end of novel 
Question: After the climax, how many more chapters should there be before the novel ends? Answer: Generally, I think it's better to think in terms …

Voice and the use of adverbs 
Question: New writers are always being told that adverbs are bad. That the use of adverbs indicates lazy writing, never adds anything to a sentence, …

Dramatica's Drivers -- What? Where? How? 
Question: I've read your article series "Create a Plot Outline in 8 Easy Steps" and it revolutionized my outlining. I'm a stronger plotter now than I …

Is it bad to have an unlikable person as the protagonist? 
Hi Glen, I'm currently working on a novel where the main protagonist has to save the world (anymore than that and I'll give away my story). The only problem …

Question: Can an author write a novel and get it published if he/she isn't a qualified journalist or a writer? Answer: Absolutely. Or, to put it …

Writing A Novel At A Young Age 
Question: I'm only 13 years old, but I have always loved reading and writing. Recently I wrote a short prologue that seems to have blossomed into an …

How to practice writing? 
Question: On the very first page of your 'Novel Writing' you mentioned that if one wants to become a writer they should practice writing everyday. But …

More Than One Story? 
Question: I'm currently working on a manuscript that's pretty good, I think, and I'm very passionate about everything I'm writing in it. However, there's …

How to create a complex story outline 
Hi, The reason that I am asking the question is because my story doesn't follow the usual outline involved in storytelling. It is more autobiographical …

Writer's Block. Sort of. 
Hey there. Great site! I've been reading over every article and learning a lot. My problem is this: I get stuck in my writing not when I'm confused …

First Person POV - How to "tell" 
Question: I am writing my first novel in a series and I have been writing in the first person for my main POV. Or at least I thought I was until I had …

Do you think about the balance of elements when you're writing? 
Hi, you've helped so much with the structure of my novel, but this question is about the finer details. As you're writing, do you consciously think about …

Too many writing ideas at once 
Question: How do you write down ideas when they come quickly, and sometimes all at once? They also tend to be the whole story played out as a movie; …

Kissing Scenes... Can't help but be cheesy!!! 
Question: I'm writing a short story and there is a love sub-plot between two shy characters who discover that they have been secretly crushing on each …

main character 
Question: Can two people be seen or known as the main character or can there be more than two? Answer: You can tell a story from more than one point …

Trying to decide on writing fiction or non-fiction? 
Hi, I am an acupuncturist, homeopath etc. They are the treatments I do but mainly I counsel the patients on making the connection between their physical …

Question: What characteristics get a book published? And how is the publishing done? Answer: Writing teacher, Brian Henry, often says in his workshops …

Click here to ask your question.

how important is character  
Question: How important is character in a story? Are the names of the characters in your story important? Answer: There is no story without character, …

When and how to use quotation marks and or Italics and reduced font size. 
Question: Here's a potential headache though certainly not a very, very important problem. Advice would be very much appreciated though; I can't find …

Names that sound similar 
Hello Glen. I'd like to start off by saying that this website has been a tremendous help to me! In all my searching the web for instruction and tips on …

Use of fictional characters in my novel 
Question: Is it legal to have a team of doctors in two or three scenes at the end of a book be "Quackenbush, Hackenbush, Hrfurrurr, Howard, Fine and …

base on a true story death row immigration 
Question: I have a true story to tell. First time writer. Cannot get it on paper. Answer: It sounds like a great story, but please don't take offense …

Getting the universe right and writing it all down 
Question: I'm working on a collection of stories set in an alternate future and need to find a good way of presenting the brief history of the universe …

Previously established creatures 
Question: I want to write a book and use a previously established creature and universe. What kind of permissions do I need? Answer: UPDATED: Generally, …

Similar scenes 
Hi there. After almost finishing my novel I have since read/watched different media and read/seen some parts of plot or scene that is similar, (in one …

too much drama? 
Question: I know it's not a problem for too much funny .. how about the too much tragic? or the "too much sad? " or lots of crying scenes? Example: …

without the complete 8 easy steps 
Question: I've been writing since I was 10 years old .. Now I'm 15 .. ^_^ the thing here is, I write stories with just 3-5 of these 8 elements. Do you …

Two related stories or one combined?  
Hello there, I've started pulling my ideas together for a historical fiction novel about a girl who grows up in Germany during WWII. At the same time, …

Jumping Perspectives 
Question: This doesn't have to do with a specific story I'm writing, but it's always been something that I've been confused about. I'm not sure how to …

Writing with multiple leads 
Question: I'm working on my first book right now, a historical fiction novel focusing on a specific family, and because of that I have multiple characters …

Opposing characters 
Question: I have these two characters,one of which is the main protagonist, who have a "remarkably alike yet critically different" dynamic. My main …

Two narrators 
Question My protagonist is also the main character. At various points I want to have either the MC or the author be the narrator. I assume that is acceptable. …

Point of view switch in flashback. 
Question: My story is in first person POV, but I need to flashback to a scene in another character's perspective. Rather than have this character tell …

The Plot? 
Question: I know you may have found yourself answering the same question over and over, but how can I figure out a plot? Many times I have attempted …

Multiple Impact Characters in the same story 
Question: Can there be multiple impact characters in the same story? For example, can there be an impact character who appears later in the story …

Sequence of events 
Question: I'm a little confused about breaking down the sign posts into sequences. Does the sequence event that is broken into four parts Inciting …

Drawing a Plot Diagram 
Question: After reading the wonderful article, "How to Creat a Plot Outline in 8 Easy Steps," I am wondering if the 8 plot elements can be drawn in the …

need to stick to one idea. 
Question: How can i stick to one single idea while writing the script? It is said whatever ideas comes to mind we need to put down. I do same, when …

Too many names for a character. 
Hello I have a question concerning names for a character. I have been writing my story called Elias for over a year now, where one character has a …

Switching POV 
Question: I think I am writing my novel in limited third person but the problem is that there is one part in the story that my main character cannot …

3rd person 
Question: I am a little confused about the difference between tight third person and omniscient. I am writing a young adult historical fiction and I …

Question: How long should an average chapter be? Answer: There are no hard and fast rules regarding the length of chapters, but there are some guidelines …

Click here to ask your question.

Flashbacks and recollections 
Question: My novel is the telling of a classic medieval villain's life from his own point of view. The history and setting are real, and the villain …

How to be original?  
Question: I've always loved books since being little and I have always wanted to write my own but I don't know where to start? I'm worried that if I …

The Impact Character 
Question: I just finished reading your article on Writing an Outline, and the only snag I've really encountered in it is the Impact Character Throughline. …

Creating Problems and Action... 
Question: I am fifteen years old and am beginning a 'realistic fantasy' novel (similar to Percy Jackson series, where the real world is meshed with a …

Writers block 
Question: Ok. So I really love reading and I would love to write my own novel. I have plenty of ideas, but every time I try to write something down I …

Best way to end scenes? 
Hello there! I've fallen prey to the hundreds of writing books out there. So naturally, I have read some contradicting information and was wondering …

Episodic Plotlines 
Question: I was wondering if you have any tips on writing stories in a more episodic format. I'm writing scripts for a comic book series that my friend …

Family Saga set in the 21st century 
Question: I have written a family saga dealing with the effects of climate change on three generations of a family living through the 21st century. It …

Day One...(Question about developing a Writer's Style?) 
Greetings, I am an Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry who celebrated the academic year-end graduation yesterday. Today, being my first day-off …

Good opening lines 
Question: I have an idea for a good story for a novel, but I am not sure what is a good way to start it. I don't want to use anything that has been …

keeping suspense 
Question: First of all, I want to compliment you on this wonderfully helpful site it's just great! I'm writing a scene where my group of heroes are …

Website citations 
Question: I'm writing a non-fiction book. I'm really struggling with website citations. What information is absolutely necessary for website citations? …

A novel never ending. 
Question: I am currently writing a novel called Elias (name of the main character). The whole story is intended to to introduce a series of novels …

More Than One Goal? 
Hi, so in the "How to write a novel" area, I read that there's a main goal. I got a bit confused because in most of my stories, the goal changes multiple …

Just One or Multiple Throughlines 
Question: Can each character have their own throughline, or do throughlines belong solely to the plot? Maybe I don't understand the concept of throughlines, …

mixing first and third person POV 
Question: I'm just curious whether or not it's okay to mix the first person and third person POV in a novel? Like for example, the story is about the …

How to deal with thick native dialect? 
Hello, and thank you for putting such effort into this site, it has been extremely helpful. I've wanted to write for years, and have finally found the …

Question about time scale of getting an editor 
Hi. How long does it take on average between sending a query to agents and getting a contract with an editor? Also, how many agents is it advisable …

Can too many cliffhangers become boring? 
Hi. Thank you so much for answering our questions in so much detail and so promptly! I'm writing a book which revolves around a kidnapping. I followed …

Short Stories 
Question: What is the best technique for writing short stories? I am never able to squish enough information into a short story to make it feel complete …

Planned Booked Series Timeline... 
Question: I have a planned Trilogy where the timeline is not like, for example, Harry Potter (each sequel is approximately a year later). Instead, the …

Fictionalized Characters based on real people 
Question: I started writing as soon as I could hold a pencil, in one form or another, and as soon as I realized people LIKED what I wrote, I did so as …

Flashbacks and Prologues  
Question: I have always heard these are not very well liked. And i never understood why. Personally i enjoy a good prologue (one that isn't just a 50 …

Throughline domains, concerns, issues and problems 
Hi, I'm a bit stuck with the throughlines and I was just wondering if maybe you had any suggestions for my story in regards to the domains, concerns, …

multiple first person POV or third person POV 
Hi. I'm currently stuck right now of what POV to use. My original idea was like a diary of events that happened with the couple (the main characters), …

Click here to ask your question.

How to alter the story 
Question: I had a great idea for a story, got into mapping it out and developing the characters, etc... and then I noticed a book, same genre and similar …

Two Main Characters 
Question: My story traces two romances: one that starts off with total hatred and eventually leads to love and marriage, and one that starts out slightly …

I'm never satisfied with this chapter? 
Question: I've spent about a year writing, outlining, and researching for my novel. Everything was going fine... until Chapter Twenty Four. I've rewritten …

plot development 
Question: I am writing a psychological novel and at the moment have good ideas about my characters in terms of their back story, motivations and also …

Giving away the plot 
Question: Should the synopsis give away the major plot twists? My feeling is that if you do, the agent/editor/prospective publisher won't get the …

Dramatica related: Impact Character Signposts 
Question: I'm writing a metaphysical thriller in which my main character, after a few hurdles, finds himself thrown into a new and twisted sort of world. …

Sagging Middle 
Question: I have read your page on the 'Sagging Middle' and I have followed all your steps and almost have a complete story plan, but whenever I get …

Show not Tell: on-page vs off-page reveals 
Question: On television shows, when something embarrassing is about to happen, they cut to later in the day where that character is being laughed at …

Story Goal Questions and Answers 
Question: I have written a historical novel, set in the late 19th/early 20th century about a woman's journey from teenage girl to old age. I may decide …

How to Write a Sermon into a Novel 
Question: One of the characters in my manuscript is a minister. He is giving a sermon on forgiveness. It will only be a portion of the sermon; the part …

How to know if I'm good enough... 
Question: I know that I should have people read my story/stories to get an idea of whether I have such talent or not, but what if I can't share my stories …

Using amazon kindle or other digital means to publish 
Question: I know this question isn't really about writing a story but I am curious if you know anything about it. Assuming I ever get a book finished …

Focus and "show not tell" 
Question: I'm curious if you have any tips for keeping your focus when you write. I'm not sure if it would be considered writers block or just a flighty …

Timing Writing Sessions 
Question: I just came back from a life-changing, world altering experience that has cemented the calling for me to be a writer/author into my head as …

Sticking with it 
Question: I started writing a story but I get another idea for a different one, then it gets stuck with me. Should I stick with the one I already started …

"How To Best Utilize Video" OR "When Or When Not To Utilize Video" 
Question: I will soon be starting a series of How To Manuals on copyrighted materials that I have developed over time. I want to utilize embedded …

Use of Graphics, Images In Storytelling 
Question: I have some concerns about the use of graphics and/or images in the telling of a story. For one, I am concerned as to whether it is wise …

Hi Glen, Quick question about POV. I started my novel in 3rd person. Just way too many characters for 1st. It is a YA novel as all of the main characters …

Making up yor own town? 
Question: When making up a town what must you include? My book includes mythical creatures. I want my town to come alive like J.K Rowling did in harry …

To Finish or Not to Finish 
Question: Every time I come up with an idea for a novel, I start writing and then come up with a better idea that I think has a better chance of getting …

Setting vs. Culture 
Question: I want to use setting of Victorian era London in my novel, but I don't like the culture, especially when it comes to the way they address each …

Question: I am writing a fictional adult fantasy book. What size page and margins should you use? I am typing on standard 8 1/2 X 11 inches pages. …

Writing Trilogies: Episodes, Books or Chapters? 
Question: I have been afraid to ask this question for fear that it would be too convoluted, so I will take a cleansing breath real quick and then attempt …

I don't have my 8 elements - does this matter? 
Question: I have an idea for a story, the main characters and background characters, and I have my goal(s) but I don't have any of the other elements, …

Problems Weaving Multiple Plotlines 
Dear Glen, I am writing a story about a suicidal young mortician who talks to the dead in his head. He gets conned by his boss, a guru like character, …

Click here to ask your question.

The Evilness of Opposition  
Hey there! I've been working hard over the past weeks to build the foundation on which my plot will be built. I have solid ideas, but several holes …

Goal and Purpose 
Hello, the kind hearted Mr. Strathy First of all I would like to wish you a happy new year :) I'm so glad I found your website here, it helps me so …

Writing Werewolves?  
Question: So far, the only thing I know about my story is that I want a werewolf protagonist. I have read plenty of stories about someone being turned …

Consequences. Follow up 
So I've been thinking about the Scrooge/Marley example and someone commented on one of my posts. So with those 2 bits of advice I realize that I have …

consequences and goals 
You’re right about the consequences not being steep enough. I have a tendency to want to avoid or minimize conflict which is good in real life, bad in …

Writing a first novel through Dramatica Pro 4 
Does Dramatica Pro4 have all the essential tools needed to successfully write a first Novel? No, you also need a good writing style. Dramatica is …

Disaster stories 
Question: I'm stuck trying to wrangle a disaster story. Survivors of a plane crash have to trek out on their own. What does Dramatica tell us about the …

What the main character wants 
Question: I love writing characters and settings, the intricate details are what I get tied up in. I have started several novels with a situation in …

hello again, So I'm developing my story like this: a 12 yo girl (ex:Ros) lives a hard life. Her mother has to take care her crazy step-father and her …

Anttagonists in a Quest Plot 
Question: In a quest plot, if one antagonist is vanquished (whether it is a person or a thing or a condition), can something else take it's place? …

Young High School Writer 
Question: So I'm in high school (very obviously) and I'm very interested in writing. I've read some tips about how I should take classes, but I'm a little, …

Writing Websites  
Question: I absolutely love websites like but I fear if I share any of my writing on those websites for critique that someone might steal …

Young Writers 
Question: What is our advice to young teen writer's trying to make in the world as an author? Answer: Much of the traditional advice still holds …

Any tips for exposition in fiction? 
Question: I'm particularly curious about exposition in 3rd person narrative. Which method is preferred to readers, standalone paragraphs of information …

Hi, I have yet another question. When I begin my story, I usually first think of the setting. I always ask myself the following: should I have real …

dull story 
Question: I am writing a full length story on my walk from Seville to Santiago. Originally, it was a type of guide book for other people who might want …

Question: I struggle to find ideas to write about for my stories. I often look for inspiration but I can't find any. Should I just wait for inspiration …

the story before the story 
Question: I have a first draft finished and am now trying to polish my work. I wrote an introduction - which is really fiction, but written like it's …

Help with villain! 
Question: I am trying to write a book but I can't seem to develop the "villain" for it. My book is about a girl who wakes up and everyone is gone. And …

Writing something you are not 
Question: This is driving me insane! I need help about writing things into my stories that I've never experienced before myself. I know the logical thing …

Chapter Breaks 
Question: How do you recommend dividing a novel into chapters? I'm trying to figure out how long my chapters should be, if they should revolve around …

main characters and POV'S 
Question: I've been reading through the articles here (which I might add are the best things I've stumbled upon thus far) and have been giving it a go …

Times to use Passive Voice  
Question: I know when you want time to pass and for people to see the action, Active Voice is better. But aren't they're times when Passive Voice …

Must characters have a goal in the beginning?  
Question: Hello... It's me again LOL I think I've post in the wrong section before I just finished writing novel with two povs and 7 characters. …

Sympathetic Sociopath 
Question: OK, my story is, more-or-less, meant to be an embodiment of every negative thought, feeling, impulse or emotion ever felt by the "outcasts" …

Click here to ask your question.

The "Gore Factor" 
Question: So, my stories are high fantasy in that they are in "medieval" type settings and are in fictional worlds, but I don't use magic or fantastical …

Use of conlangs 
Question: In the interest of being the best writer I can be... and a burning drive to not be outdone by Tolkien... I'm making constructed languages for …

Thanks so much for explaining!! 
Thanks, Glen! I asked a day or two ago about just what exactly makes "gay liturature" (and made a beginner-level typo for which I will never forgive myself): …

Publishing elsewhere for early feedback and self-marketing...Shameful? 
Question: I have a story that I'm considering serializing on a quick and free publishing site for original fiction (i.e. Wattpad, Booksie, Fictionpress, …

Questions About Content  
Hello there, First, let me say how glad I am that I've found your site. The information you offer has been so helpful, and (after a year of different …

Location Names 
Question: I'm currently world building a setting I intend to use for a novel. However, I can't figure out what to name political entities, regional divisions, …

Writing Chain of Command 
Question: I've heard a lot about writers having to work with agents, editors, publishers, the publisher's marketing teams and a lot of other things, …

writer's block 
Question: I am writing a book. I have my idea for the beginning and the end and for some what in the middle but I only have 20,000 words and I am at …

Question: I'm reading the pros and cons of self-publishing vs. traditional publishing, and I have to say I'm torn in two over it. Traditional publishing …

How can I organise my experiences to write about 
Hi, I always felt I could be a writer. I write a poem once in a while and people admire my poems. The last ten years I went through hardship, I was …

Which person to write in? 
A FICTION The book is in second person but there are times when the heroine is telling a story about herself and family member. When she is telling about …

Solving a family mystery from 90 years ago 
Question: I need some help to write about a family mystery, that I have partially solved and spans more than ninety years, and three continents. My …

how to put my story across 
Question: I'm trying to figure out whether I would have more success in writing my book from a third persons point of view which will give the story …

I have something to ask about getting started 
Hello. I am from Romania. Your website it's awesome, so helpful. I recently decided I want to become a science fiction writer and I planned some plots, …

Question: Can you have more than one theme in a story? Thanks. Answer: Absolutely. In fact, dramatica theory states that a completely developed …

How to keep the reader on a false goal, while the real goal is something else 
Question: Okay, I know that the question might be a bit hard, but I am really wanting to write this novel that won't let me sleep at night! I have …

Structure Models in Dramatica and How to Find Them 
Mr. Strathy, First, please let me thank you for this website and the invaluable information you're providing to writers of every level. I can't tell …

Is it ok to have small descriptive kissing scene in a young adult novel 
Question: I have a kissing scene in my young adult novel and it's pretty descriptive but I'm afraid people might think it's a bad scene and doesn't count …

Antagonist's Point of View only one chapter at End of Novel 
Question: There are several antagonists in the book but the main character's love interest is also an antagonist--almost to the end of the book. I …

Synopsis and throughline questions about how and where to place in each? 
Question: Thank you Glen, for helping me understand about synopsis and the throughline; however in my synopsis, is this just for the editor or agents …

Just another awesome lesson from you Glen! 
Question: I can't believe I have found you! You are a gold mine and see people from all over the world thinking about all you know! I just spent …

conflicting stories 
Question: I am currently working on at least five stories that I think all have potential, but I think that I need to concentrate on one or else I'll …

Villain as a protaganist 
Question: I'm writing a novel with the villain as the centre of attention. Most chapters (80% of the book) are in his point of view. How do readers …

What do you do after you're done with the first draft? 
Hi. This question might sound ignorant, but I'm working on my first novel. Surfing online, people talk of writing a second draft and then a third and …

Is it okay if the inciting incident is a coincidence? 
Question: Can what sets everything in motion (on the first page) be something that 'just happened', or will that disappoint readers? Thanks! Answer: …

Click here to ask your question.

Series in a Family Saga 
Question: I just read your reply to the question of writing a series where you state: "The hard part about writing a series is that your main character …

When Writing Goes From Fun to a Frustrating 
Question: A long time ago, when I first started writing, I did it purely for the enjoyment of making interesting characters and events. Once I started …

Plotless Fiction? 
Question: Hi, I've been working on plot-driven novels for a couple of years now. I'm to the point where I'm feeling confident enough to enter a few short …

How to get permission to use established characters for a play 
Question: I have written three plays for a group that does dinner theatre for fundraising, strictly amateur and small scale. I do it as a creative outlet …

Do You Give Angel Characters Flaws or Not?  
Question: Hi. I'd first just like to say that your website has helped me out a lot. I'm currently writing a book that has characters that are angels. …

Word Choice 
Question I feel I'm using a lot of the same words again and again. Some of these words are "but," "instead," "though," "after," "then," "really," and …

Can you have a follow-up climax? 
Question: I have quite a few questions... but I'll explain first. In my story (I haven't finished writing it yet so I can't really call it a book) …

Inciting Event and Plot Believability In Book Series 
Question: I'm writing a book series (the first of four books) and the inciting event is a minor character's death that the main character uses as an …

Finding Originality When Even Plot Twists Are Cliched 
Hi, I've been trying to finalize the outline of my novel, however I'm skeptical and critical of every plot outline I've come up with. I'm to the point …

Character/Plot Development 
Question: Hi. I'm just barely started writing a novel, that I hope will turn into a series. But I haven't figured out much of the plot for the first …

How to find a book illustrator 
Question: Hi, my name is Summer and I'm currently working a novel series of 6 volumes. My books will be aimed at teenagers, so I want an illustrator …

When writing about an overused supernatural creature? 
Question: What with Twilight, True Blood, and their many carbon copies nowadays, a lot of people are feeling tired of vampires, werewolves, fae, and …

Crossing Writing Structures 
Question: I am currently working on a novel that I have let my brother read and give some of his feed back on. He told me that I needed to make up my …

Double climax 
Question: I have been working on a novel for nearly two years. I can never seem to get it quite right. My latest version I feel very hopeful and confident …

How to know if your pacing is too fast/slow 
Question: When writing, I feel like the pacing is fine. However, when I reread or go to edit, I either feel like things are too slow and unexciting or …

Trouble coming to the Problem/Event. 
Question: Hi, I need major help with this series I'm writing. I've posted other questions here and the answers were great! (Thanks!!!!!) But I have another …

I have too many holes in my story 
Question: How can I fill in the gaps of my story? I have the major characters figured out and I know where each book in my eight book series needs to …

Writing a Series: Questions and Answers 
Question: I have this idea for a novel series. I don't know; do people usually decide how many books are going to be in a series before or after they …

Click here to ask your question.

Many of your questions about novel writing may be answered in these articles

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