Plot problems

by Saif Raie

Question: Hello there, I'm 17 years old, and this is my first try to write a story. This is what I've written 'till now, Is it a weak plot? Is the protagonist an irrational character?

I have an historical action comedy story about a 16 year old boy named Dirwas, he was born with superpowers, and dreams to be a noble superhero.

In his backstory his parents were killed by a monster in front of him, so he was raised by his grandfather (a VIP in their village --they live in a rural society). When he turned 14, he attempted to fight monsters to help people, so they won't suffer from orphan like him (or widowhood or any harm monsters cause), AND to be a hero like the superhero he reads stories about. But, due his inability to control his superpowers, he destroys buildings, shops, farms etc. in his village, so he had been bullied by villagers and became very hated. That experience made him an unsocial, weak person.

In the story, in the inciting event, he was kicked out from his village after his grandfather's death. From his tough life and experiences he had, he decides to still good, and be the noble superhero he wants, who doesn't harm or wrong people like the people did to him.

Later in the story, in act II, he was trained on fighting skills, and became well-appreciated, and then became the head of the servicemen of the new village he moved to. Now dirwas thinks he became the hero he wants, but what he doesn't know is that the chief of the new village is using him for his racist political goals. Later, in
the mid-point, Dirwas discovers that, and rethinks about his moral goals, and knows that that's not what he wanted.

Now he's confused, shall he leave the village or stand against them, OR shall he stay, and play the role of the hero he dreamt to be (he has a need for appreciation, due his social problems)?

Answer: You have a lot of fine ideas. Your challenge may be to develop the character's internal struggle.

Most people don't dream of becoming a hero. It's a rather shallow ambition. Think about what your character really wants. What do superheroes mean to him? Status? Acceptance? Admiration? Is it all about ego? Or does he really want belonging -- to have a stable home with people he cares about?

Most heroes don't try to be heroes. Or if they do, they discover later that what they really want is something quite different. They are put in situations where they have to make tough choices, and making the right choice is what makes them a hero. Usually that means sacrificing their ego for the sake of something more important.

You have the right idea in having Dirwas consider the moral issues regarding whether to support the chief. Just make sure the reader knows where his morals come from, and let us see the sacrifice he must make.

You might consider looking at the monomyth (which is a model of how heroic stories work) for ideas on how to structure your plot (

Also, check out the W-plot model ( which can help identify the major turning points or drivers (e.g. the death of Dirwas's parents, the attack on his village, his decision to oppose the chief).

Best of luck.

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