Comicbook Novel

by The Wicker Man

Hello, I'am writing a CB Novel more over an adult Novel as somehow attempting to do like Alan Moore on Watchmen, that kind of writing.

So... the I have gathered a coral story, with equal number of Protagonists and Antagonists, united by a Major External Conflict, regardless of everyone's Internal Conflict.
The question is, should they all unite to prevent the Main Story Goal to happen? Or must they struggle to each other no matter what?

The Main Story Goal involves external forces, supernatural beings looking to breach into Earth, infesting it and erasing Life, until the world is fully on Blight.

My Protagonists and Antagonists are linked with each other, but this MSG was supposed to be more of a Man vs Supernatural Forces...hence my doubts on the topic.

Answer: First, the usual term for this format is "graphic novel," rather than "comic book novel."

Second, it seems to me that your antagonist here is the group of supernatural beings attempting to invade Earth. (You only need one antagonist, but it can be a corporate entity if that entity functions with one purpose.)

Of course, in a series you may have individual episodes, each with their own antagonist in addition to the overall series antagonist. A villain can also be a contagonist (a character who delays and tempts the hero off the path).

In a series, you can also have a different main character/protagonist for different episodes. However, in the overarching story you will probably want one of these characters to be the primary protagonist who leads the effort to achieve the story goal. Some of your other characters may take on supporting roles within the overarching story.

Bottom line: I suggest you plan the overarching story separately from each episode. Make sure all the episodes are complete stories in themselves with a balanced cast, and that they also contribute to the overarching story.

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